Dagana 3. til 5. desember mun Exton í samstarfi við Meyer Sound standa fyrir tveimur námskeiðum sem fjalla um System Design & Optimization og Low Frequency Control. Bæði námskeið veita AVIXA Renewal Units fyrir CTS, CTS-D og CTS-I vottun.

Námskeiðsgjaldi er haldið í lágmarki ($100 og $50) og við hvetjum áhugasama einstaklinga og fyrirtæki til að nýta þetta einstaka tækifæri.

 SMELLTU HÉR til að skrá þig!


Nánar um námskeiðin:

System Design & Optimization: Reykjavík, 3.-4. desember, 2019 ($100)

This two-day course explores the relationship between the predictive perspective of the MAPP XT System Design Tool and actual sound system performance as measured with the SIM 3 Audio Analyzer, in order to provide users a more informed approach to accurately designing and optimizing systems. This course is eligible for 13 AVIXA Renewal Units for CTS, CTS-D and CTS-I certification levels. You must be present for the entire course to receive certification. Instructor: Merlijn van Veen, Senior Technical Support and Education Specialist Language of Instruction: English

Course Modules
Meyer Sound History
Product Overview
Designing with MAPP XT
System Design: LEO Family Aim & Splay
System Design: Main Systems
System Design: Fill Systems
System Design: Delay Systems
System Design: Relay Systems
System Design: Low Frequency Control Theory
System Design: Low Frequency Control Recipes
GALAXY & Compass Applications
Measurement Analyzers
Acoustics 101
Acoustics 202
System Verification: With FFT
Sub Alignment: With FFT
System Optimization: EQ, Delay, Level, Aim, Splay
System Optimization: Low-Mid Beam Control
Subjective System Voicing


Low Frequency Control: Reykjavík, 5. desember, 2019 ($50)

This one-day course addresses a range of considerations when working with subwoofers, and the Meyer Sound LFC product line in particular. Topics include verification procedures, cardioid and array configurations, effective cancellation techniques, main-to-LF scaling and alignment, and approaches to combining different subwoofers within a single system. This course is eligible for 6.5 AVIXA Renewal Units for CTS, CTS-D and CTS-I certification levels. You must be present for the entire course to receive certification.

This course is offered in select instances, as a supplement to Portable System Deployment or System Design & Optimization. Attendees should complete either course prior to taking Low Frequency Control, the content of which is intended for experienced audio technicians.

Instructor: Merlijn van Veen, Senior Technical Support and Education Specialist Language of Instruction: English

Course Modules
Meyer Sound History
Product Overview
Subwoofer Fundamentals
Cardioid Configurations: In-Line Gradient
Cardioid Configurations: In-Line End-Fire
Cardioid Configurations: Inverted Stack Gradient
Mind the Gap
Symmetrical Arrays vs Asymmetrical Arrays
Horizontal Arrays
Meyer Sound LFC Settings
Main-to-LF Configurations
Power Scaling: Main-to-LF Ratios
Main-to-LF Alignment
Subwoofer Combinations
Delay Subwoofers