Live UEFA 2020/21 Champions League Draws using TVU
UEFA, the Union of European Football Associations, and the governing body of football in Europe, selected TVU Networks to deliver their remote video solution for the first-ever remotely produced 2020 UEFA Champions League and Europa League Final 8 Draw, as well as the 2020/2021 UEFA Champions’ League Group Stage Draw and awards ceremony.
Nýja aktiv „fluid head“ vörulínan frá Sachtler vekur athygli fyrir hversu auðvelt að koma hausnum fyrir við ólíkar aðstæður og um leið fljótlegt að still hann af.
Built for Speed – Unique aktiv features that make fast even faster
Unique SpeedLevel™ technology
Release, level, and lock your head tightly into the perfect position without missing a second of action.
Innovative streamlined mounting system
With no bowl clamp required, aktiv™ heads allow flowtech® tripods to go flat to the ground for the perfect low-angle shot.
It’s great for levelling when the tripod is at full height and you are looking from below, with other fluid heads you can only check the level from above, but aktiv also shows the level from the side. Or, if you are interviewing someone, you can set the tripod high to their eye-level and you can check the shot is level from behind the camera – that’s a real timesaver
þegar snögg handtök skipta máli
NHD-300 – NetworkHD™ 300 Series
1080p AV over IP H.264 Open Standards Encoder
Með NHD-300-TX frá WyreStorm er einfalt að streyma 1080p HDMI myndmerki beint á netið án tilkomu tölvu.
Í einföldu en öflugu netviðmóti stillir þú fyrir fram hvert straumurinn á að fara – t.d. beint á YouTube, Facebook, Wowsa, OBS o.fl. Tengir síðan myndavél eða HDMI myndmerki frá öðru tæki
Einföld lausn sem hentar vel fyrir skóla, kirkjur, félög og fyrirtæki þegar streyma á myndefni.
The NHD-300-TX is a powerful A/V encoder that allows streaming of 1080p HDMI content over a network in a myriad of ways. By supporting standard protocols such as RTSP, RTMP, Unicast and Multicast, transmissions can be decoded by a broad range of 3rd-party hardware and software solutions. Easily live
stream events to popular platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Wowza, OBS through native options in the powerful Web UI. The NHD-300-TX is great for Schools and Universties to broadcast lessons to students, Churches for sharing services and any application where sharing content over a network is required.
NHD-300-TX frá WyreStorm
Fresnel kastarar hafa löngum verið þekktir fyrir góða ljósdreifingu, zoom og mikið ljósmagn, sem erfitt hefur reynst að endurskapa með tilkomu LED tækninnar.
Nýji fos/4 Fresnel kastarinn frá ETC bætir úr þessu svo um munar.
ETC announces the addition of the Fresnel to the fos/4 studio family. Fresnels have been around for generations and are known for their smooth wash, adjustable zoom capabilities, and incredible brightness. With the addition of LEDs, however, many Fresnels became more about the technology and less about beautiful light. ETC’s fos/4 Fresnel takes the most desired features of an incandescent Fresnel and adds in the nuanced color mixing, smooth fades, and LED technology of ETC’s other professional grade fixtures. With fos/4, you get a true Fresnel with an LED engine, not the other way around.
The fos/4 Fresnel includes all the features you’d expect from a standard Fresnel. Adjust the 15-50 degree zoom from either the front or the rear of the fixture. Use the accessory slot to add any number of beam-control accessories such as barn doors and soft boxes. The adjustable yoke enables easy balancing of the fixture after focus, and the homogenized optic gives you an impressively seamless beam of light. Remote control and contactless features of fos/4 include
wireless communication using City Theatrical’s Multiverse technology and contactless programming using ETC’s Set Light app via NFC from a mobile device.
Like the fos/4 Panel, fos/4 Fresnels are available in two arrays – Lustr X8 for the full gamut of color mixing, and Daylight HDR for the brightest whites. Both arrays include deep red LEDs for the most nuanced rendering of skin tones, fabrics, and scenery of any fixture on the market. The fos/4 Fresnel outputs up to 9700 lumens, so you’ll never compromise on brightness.
fos/4 Fresnel is currently available with a seven-inch aperture, with 10- and 5-inch variants scheduled to be available in the coming months. Bright, quality color, with the Fresnel beam you need. Like all ETC products, the fos/4 Fresnel is backed by ETC’s 24/7/365 support and unmatched warranty.
Learn more and request a demo at
við fos/4 stúdíó línuna
Hafa samband
Sími - Kópavogur: 575-4600
Sími - Akureyri: 575-4660
Reikningar berist á eða gegnum RSM
Opið virka daga frá 9:00 - 17:00
Fagleg ráðgjöf
Sérfræðingar Exton búa yfir einstakri reynslu í hönnun hljóð-, ljós- og myndlausna. Hvort sem verkefnið er lítið fundarherbergi eða heilt tónlistarhús - það borgar sig að fara rétt að.
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Saga Exton nær allt aftur til 1993 og á þeim tíma höfum við lært að þekkja hvaða búnaður virkar og endist best. Komdu til okkar í Vesturvör 30c og fáðu upplýsingar hjá fagmönnum.
Allar græjur
Fyrir stór og smá tilefni, viðburði, veislur, tónleika og ráðstefnur. Tækjaleiga Exton er sú reyndasta á landinu og úrval tækja er hvergi betra. Hljóðkerfi, ljós, myndbúnaður og svið - við eigum allt.