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Allen & Heath tekur CQ línuna upp á næsta stig með Firmware V1.2 hugbúnaðaruppfærslu

Fyrir réttu ári afhjúpað Allen & Heath nýju CQ vörulínuna, tríó af fyrirferðarlitlum stafrænum blöndunartækjum fyrir tónlistarmenn og hljómsveitir, upptökumenn, heimahljóðver, og smærri tónleika, með auðvelda notkun og einfaldleika við uppsetning að leiðarljósi.

“If you’re looking for something powerful yet approachable, compact and rugged yet affordable, the CQ series mixers have much to commend them”
– Paul White, Sound On Sound Magazine

Í kjölfar glimrandi umsagna og fjölda verðlauna afhjúpar Allen & Heath nú CQ firmware V1.2 uppfærslu. Nýja útgáfan bætir við fjölda nýrra eiginleika, s.s. DCA, Mute Groups og Custome Layer stjórnlag  sem auðveldar til muna sérsniðna notendastýringu.

At the top of the new V1.2 feature list is the addition of 4 DCAs, each capable of controlling the level of any combination of inputs, outputs, and FX, for simple single-fader control of multiple channels, such as a drum kit, without affecting their relative levels.

Due to huge popular demand, we are introducing 4 Mute Groups, enabling operators to mute and unmute multiple channels at once via a single button, allowing the muting of all stage mics or monitor speakers.

The new configurable Custom Layer allows users to set up the 4 channel tabs with any combination of channel strips for a personalised mixing experience and accelerated workflow.

Additional features include a 2-band EQ on FX, remote MIDI control, custom colours for outputs in the GUI, and several other improvements.