PowerZone – einföld og öflug hljóðstýring frá Blaze Audio

PowerZone – einföld og öflug hljóðstýring frá Blaze Audio

PowerZone Connect vörulína Blaze Audio byggir á öflugum mögnurum og stýringum. Hver magnari er með innbyggðri hljóðstýringu og þráðlausum aðgangi sem auðveldar til muna uppsetningu og stillingar, ekki síst þegar tengja saman margar magnara í ólíkum rýmum. sem auðvelt er að setja upp og einfalt í stjórnun fyrir endanotanda.

Með áherslu á kjarnaþarfir hljóðstýringa og sneiða um leið hjá óþarfa viðbótum býðst mun hagkvæmari lausn fyrir verslanir, bari, veitingastaði, hótel, líkamsræktarstöðvar og önnur þjónusturými.

We saw a niche area for a product that has an integrated DSP that’s simple enough to do a small application without having to put in a large DSP front end. Not everybody needs all the features, especially with all the costs that come with them.

Að sama skapi lækkar þessi lausn kostnað við hönnun og uppsetningu, ásamt að draga verulega úr þörf á tæknilegri aðstoð við daglega notkun.

Our products deliver the power and exceptional sound performance demanded in commercial locations, and the technology, quality, and reliability expected by the professional audio market.
Ný hátalaralína frá Blaze Audio: CBL (Constant Beamwidth Loudspeaker)
With wide 180-degree symmetrical horizontal pattern control, the CBL528 loudspeaker offers mid-high frequency gain shading, across its eight vertically arrayed 2-inch drivers, that provides a smooth and controlled 45-degree vertical pattern from 420 Hz to 18 kHz. The loudspeaker incorporates four 5-inch proprietary low-frequency drivers with tightly designed acoustic centers that minimize comb-filtering, with a frequency response down to 54 Hz.
Blaze audio hátalari
Blaze audio hátalari
Blaze audio hátalari
Featuring a bi-amped design for system integration with Blaze Audio amplifiers, the CBL528 makes an excellent choice for permanent installations such as sports arenas, conference centers, performing arts venues, and houses of worship. The Blaze Audio CBL523 incorporates three vertically mounted 2-inch mid-high frequency drivers and two 5-inch low- frequency drivers, with tightly designed acoustic centers that minimize comb-filtering with a frequency response down to 71 Hz. The CBL523 provides a smooth and controlled 55-degree vertical pattern from 520 Hz to 18 kHz and includes wide 160-degree symmetrical horizontal pattern control. The CBL523 is ideally suited for front fill or under balcony applications or as a compact loudspeaker system.
Blaze audio hátalari
Blaze audio hátalari
Blaze audio hátalari
Hugh Sarvis, Blaze Audio’s Director of Loudspeakers, commented on the company’s CBL Series offerings, “The new CBL Series features a compact form factor that minimizes both installation efforts and line-of-sight considerations. Equally important, with its bi-amped design for system integration with Blaze amplifiers, the CBL528 makes a compelling choice for permanent installations such as performing arts venues, commercial theaters, and Houses of Worship. Further, with the two-position stand-mount and M10 rigging brackets, these loudspeakers provide considerable flexibility for placement purposes. I have every confidence that AV integrators and performing musicians will find much to like.”

Single- and Multi-slot PCIe Card Expansion Systems

Available for the desktop or for installation in equipment racks, these systems enable users with computers lacking expansion card slots (portable, mini, and all-in-one computers) to connect specialty PCIe cards that add needed video and audio inputs, transcode data, and connect to high-speed shared storage and networks.

PCIe Card Expansion System/Mac mini Rackmount Enclosures

These integrated systems enable users to replace a full-sized desktop or workstation computer with a Mac mini® and multi-slot PCIe card expansion system, securely mounted in a standard 19-inch equipment rackmount enclosure.

Add-your-own-card and All-in-one eGPU Systems

Sonnet’s eGPU systems boost a computer’s graphics performance by connecting a powerful desktop or workstation GPU card to it via a Thunderbolt 3 connection, bypassing the computer’s onboard GPU to deliver graphics performance not otherwise possible. Sonnet’s add-your-own-card eGPU systems allow users to purchase the AMD® or Nvidia® GPU card that best suits their needs, while Sonnet’s all-in-one eGPU systems integrate an AMD GPU in a compact, portable package. All of Sonnet’s eGPU systems are designed for professionals who need to run graphics-intensive applications on their compatible notebook, all-in-one, or small-form-factor computers, with the products’ designs focused on cool, quiet, and reliable operation without unnecessary bells and whistles.

Thunderbolt Docks

Sonnet’s Thunderbolt docking stations provide notebook and laptop computer users a central place to connect their computer peripherals (instead of directly to their computers that often have fewer ports than needed) and enable users to connect to all of their devices at once through a single Thunderbolt cable. Through the same cable, Sonnet’s docks can also charge compatible portable computers with up to 90 watts of power. Depending on the computer to which it’s connected, a Sonnet dock also supports connecting one or up to two monitors.

Single and Dual-slot Pro Media Card Readers

Supporting CFast™ 2.0, CFexpress™ Type B, P2, RED MINI-MAG®, SxS™, and XQD™ media, Sonnet’s pro card readers accelerate the ingest of footage and files in Mac and Windows based digital workflows. Featuring Thunderbolt 3 interfaces and rugged aluminum enclosures, Sonnet’s card readers ingest footage at up to the cards’ rated speeds, and are equally at home on location, in the studio, and in the edit suite.

Ethernet Networking Adapters

Bus-powered single-port and self-powered dual-port adapters add blazing-fast 10Gb Ethernet network connectivity to users’ computers, offering copper (RJ45) or fiber optical connections to infrastructure.

Display Adapters

Dual DisplayPort and Dual HDMI display adapters enable the connection of up to two 4K displays to a single Thunderbolt 3 computer port.



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