Sonnect Sound Wire Bundle

Ný sending af Sound Wire Bundle frá Sonnect komin í hús

Sound Wire Bundle

Sound Bullet og Sound Wire (USB-C DAC to dual ISO-XLR) frá Sonnect eru vel þekkt hljóðverkfæri meðal fagmanna í hljóðvinnslu.

Hvað segir fagfólkið?

The small size and many features make this an excellent tool to have. Being able to clip it on ones belt makes it even more a must have. I am very pleased with the Sound Bullet.
I‘m amazed they‘ve managed to fit it all into such a small unit especially the miniature speaker and amp.
Sound Engineer at Zizys Events, Scotland
The Sound Bullet is awesome. It‘s really cool, kind of like a Qbox and Rat Sniffer all in one little package, Love it.
System/FOH/MON Engineer Vancouver BC
I ‘ve never wanted something to go wrong at a show as I do now. Excellent piece of equipment with a friendly helpful faces behind the products.
Pulse PA Hire, South England
This is truly a great tool. Very high quality. The way its made. Simple operation and cool features. As soon as I saw it. I bought. No questions, no doubts. Just bought,
United States

Sound Wire Bundle komið

Vorum að fá í hús sendingu af Sound Wire Bundle (SoundWire + Pouch + Adapter). Sound Bullet einnig til á lager.

Kíktu við hjá okkur í Exton eða skoðaðu á heimasíðunni.



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